Metaphysics Course

This blog is a collection of essays and lesson comments from several of the Universal Life Church courses on Metaphysics. We have a Spirit Quest Course and one on A Course In Miracles.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Spirit Quest

This was quite an enjoyable coarse. Though I have had experience working with energy, this course introduced some new and interesting ways to do it. 

I often noticed that whatever subject the coarse was offering in a particular week, just happened to be the very thing I needed to work on at the time. In particular, the week we were working on “stuck energy”, and moving it. That was the very week I needed to clean out my garage, so I could finally get my car in there. If there is one thing I hate to do it’s part with things. The coarse said that we can’t keep every item our children ever made us, and wouldn’t you know, I’ve kept scrap books and scrap books of exactly that. I knew I had to let go of some of this. So, I did what I knew I had to do, and I was thankful I had the coarse that week to help me through it. It was exhausting, and I wasn’t surprised because I learned so much of our energy is attached to things we hold on to. When we start to let it move, it physically affects us. I moved stuff out a little at a time, so I knew it wasn’t exhaustion from the physical act of cleaning. Once I opened the first box and started setting aside what I was getting rid of, I felt my energy start to drain. But I understood what was happening to me from a different standpoint, other than just being tired. I also realized how important it is to keep energy moving. 

If there is one way to put a definition on the word “Metaphysics”, because I’ve seen a few different ways it is explained, I’d have to say that it is understanding energy and how to move it. Of coarse, we want to move it in a positive way. The law of Karma is there to keep things in balance. 

I’ve learned that the Universe works on everyone’s behalf, there are no favored ones. If we want something that directly involves another person, our request has to meet the good of all involved. If it does not, that doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t get our request. We just might not get it in the exactly the way we hoped. Mock-ups are a clear example of this. It’s about recognizing when a prayer or request has been answered, though it might not be in the exact way we expected. The question would be, “Have your needs been met?” If we look clearly at the situation, we will find that they have.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dr. of Metaphysics Dissertation
Rev. Jacob Hold

The Dr. of Metaphysics course was a very eye-opening
experience. It brought a lot of self recognition as
well as the surroundings of everyday life.
When one comes to realize the miracles of everyday
life, that is the day that their three minds become
aligned, their way of thinking is through their higher
guidance not their ego. They come to understand that
they have a soul and a higher purpose in life.
When you realize you have a soul, you come to realize
it's purpose is to learn while here on Earth. Not only
is it its need to learn but also to teach others that
go astray from their higher purpose.
The way to teach others is through everyday contact
with others. The actions that are done to others, the
words spoken, the thoughts, they all need to be
examined for us to learn from. The answer to all those
actions is through forgiveness. Only through
forgiveness can a soul truely heal. When a person asks
for forgiveness from their heart it is exchanged
between them and the person being asked.
Everything in life happens for a reason. We don't
know why the dark side of life happens. But we delight
in the beauty and bounty of nature, the gifts of our
talents, the pursuit of happiness and love from
others. When we learn to accept, we recognize that
both the dark and the light sides of life nourish us.
It bears witness that all things work together for
good for those who love God. With an attitude of
acceptance even our personal shortcomings become
According to A Course in Miracles, prayer is the
medium of miracles. It releases us from fear-based
thinking of our egos and aligns our minds with the
love of God. Also in the course it is said "through
prayer love is recieved, and through miracless love is
expressed". That makes prayer the greatest gift with
which God blessed His son at his creation.
If you truly pray for something from your heart, you
are asking for intervention at the level of cause.
When we do this we may be afraid of receiving the very
result we are seeking. What we must truely pray for is
not always given an answer we seek, if we were then
God would be giving us more than we could handle and
God does not burden his children. That is why guidance
is always given in the form of everyday interactions.
Signs of an answer are given all around you, when you
lest expect them. We just need to be receptive and
look with open hearts to receive them.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


My name is Rev. Deborah Overfield. I am a Reverend, Spiritual Healer, Teacher Aide, and Natural Health Practitioner. I am taking Seminary courses working toward my degree in Ministry. I chose to take Dr. of Metaphysics in continuing from Master of Metaphysics. I heal using metaphysics. Everyday in every way something amazes me and I look forward everyday to get up and see what the day brings. What a difference a day makes.

Everything about the course is useful and worth the knowing. In this essay I will talk about a few parts that are of top interest to me. They are emotions, prayer and purpose.
Everyone can learn how to control negative emotions, especially anger so that it does not become stuck energy within the body. When this energy becomes stuck or blocked within the body dis-ease or illness results. Forgiveness is the most important part of this healing. Forgiveness and repentance is the most important part of freedom from these emotions. We can choose how we live, how we feel by our intentions. Everyday we get up we need to set our intentions for our day. This way we stay focused on what we choose our life to be. Emotions really means energy in motion. Every time we feel a negative emotion we need to work through it and then let it go. Do not harbor the negative emotions. Instead replace them with a positive. Replace all negative statements with positive statements. Your life will become what you believe and intend. Live on purpose.
Prayer is talking to God. If our lives are centered in Jesus and we our living for him, then our life will reflect a life of praying without ceasing, as the Bible instructs. Prayer is also includes our intent. Prayer is praise, thanks, confession, our spiritual conversation with God. We are to put our whole soul and attention in our prayer. Make it a personal prayer. Reading a written prayer by someone else can and may be ok if it is deeply heart felt, but we should be praying our original personal thoughts and feelings. Strengthen your prayer through our faith in the Lord. Always forgiving others and honest living.
What is your purpose in this life? Do you live on purpose? Living on purpose is setting your intentions for your life. Creating goals. Living in the now. Learning from the past and letting it go. Our founding Fathers had it right. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is purposeful living. Living a life we intend, hurting and harming no one, perusing our goals (life purpose) with a joyful heart. This is the key to happiness. When you walk you talk, and commit to living true to your purpose amazing things begin to happen. Synchronicity, miracles, accomplishing the goals we set out for, and more. We need to ask ourselves what can I contribute? How do I want to be remembered when I’m no longer here in this life? What do I want to accomplish? And last but not least how may I be of service to others? People who live on purpose have a sense of aliveness and positive energy and make a difference in the world around them.

Live a life of meaning and intention with God the center and being first in your life and miraculous things will continue to happen. As Jesus into your heart today and live for him. Without God life has no purpose, and without purpose life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope.

What do you desire. Nothing is difficult that is wholly desired .If you are God centered then you are living for God. You have a Holy purpose, and with this power miracles happen.

I am seeing miracles happen ,synchronicity, and even a better knowing, that connection with God. The angles are always there to help guide , guard and protect me. They help me to accomplish my purpose here on earth. I can truly say now that life is fun. Fun is a way of life not an activity. Your life becomes what you believe.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spirit Quest

Universal Life Church Metaphysics Course

Spirit-Quest, the course has been and will continue to be a valuable set of tools. I continue to cherish each one. They have a place in the library at our home. Like any teaching implement, they are referred to time and time again. I want to thank the many that have walked with me through this part of my life’s journey. Thank you Amy, thanks to those who helped put it together, the spirit guides that help me walk through my conscious and unconscious levels of understanding. Thanks to the Elemental Spirits for allowing themselves to be seen and worked with, thanks to the beings who have come to me through these studies and continue to walk with me on my path. Thanks to all.

I have searched to understand myself for as long as I can remember. Through this course, I have been able to identify energies and processes that eluded me. My relationships with others have changed for the betterment of my self-growth.

Meditation as I understand it, has evolved so I may use it throughout my day and night. I visualize on a regular basis in most things that pass through my life. The exercises provided in the course have awakened senses or awareness that give strength to my Spiritual self. My perception of my energies and the energies around me are growing and becoming more vivid. I am learning to distinguish between my personal energy, the earth energies and the “cosmos” energies. My drive to heal the creatures that come to me for rehabilitation continues with my understanding of the “purpose” or “abilities” of each type of energy. Instead of using my personal energy to try and heal one that is injured, I visualize the energies of the Earth and the Universe to work with the creature.

This course introduced me to the concept of the Astral Plane and my own astral body. I am learning to visualize the cleansing of the silver cord and the placing of my golden light within this astral body. The concept is new to me. I am sure over time, this will become second nature and many more opportunities will present themselves that deal with the ‘spiritual” or astral plane and the beings that live there. If I remember correctly, there are eleven levels that were introduced. As with any introduction, it is but a doorway through which I am entering.

I am learning different ways of perceiving the worlds around me, to release my fear of the unknown (which is taught), and to embrace others without judgment.

An added bonus to taking this course is getting to know Amy Long. Through the sharing of her life experiences and approach to subjects, she has given the blessing of herself. With this, I would like to say thanks to all who played a part in my journey through Spirit-Quest.

Rev. Sherri Roberts


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spirit Quest

Rev. Tammy Hamilton

The very first sentences of this course have been the most important for me. In these sentences I have grown in courage and understanding. I have been able to embrace these words as a reality for my life.

1. You Are A Perfect Being.

2. God Loves You.

3. You Were Created In Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection.

4. Your Success Is Guaranteed.

The content of this course for me has all been based in the above four sentences because in them I have found my true self. My life, not unlike others, has been extremely difficult as I come from a very dysfunctional family and I am proud that I have. The negative conditioning that I received as a child has made me value my growth process. The very first sentence says, “You are a perfect being.” The problem with the way I was raised is that I was taught to embrace my imperfections. As I studied the discourses I now see that I have no imperfections and any flaw can be turned just by changing my view. It had been easy for me to accept myself as imperfect and undeserving and while I saw myself with all these flaws my world continually supported those notions. After practicing the meditations and taking off the veil of untruth I can easily accept that this world is made perfect and just as nature is perfect so am I. My body (the spiritual as well as the physical) works in perfection and when I view myself as aligned with the universe then I can easily see myself as perfect or better yet as being, “created in perfection, by perfection and for perfection.

As a child I am the product of my mother and her union with a married man. Now my mother didn’t know that my father was married, but when she found out it was too late. So, since my mother could not punish the man she punished me by withholding love. Coming from my experiences with my family and having a mother who did know about the value of forgiveness, I thought that God (Goddess, Source, The Creator) could not possibly love someone like me. As I walked through the discourses and practiced Rose meditation and visualization, I began to see just how wrong I was in my assumption. I saw (and see) that in everything that has been created in this world and in the spiritual realm there is no limit of the love that I am the recipient of. I have learned how the source of the universe has given me genius and how she communicates this through the most basic and beautiful things (music, numbers, and color). I was born under a unique set of numbers I see my talents I see the love that Goddess has for me in all that she created. Just to know that there is no way I can fail gives me the courage to do those things I though impossible.

When I started this course I knew certain things and was in the process of opening up to realize more of the Universal Truths. Since my study I have grown to understand the reasons that I had not manifested in my life those things which I needed.

My biggest obstacle to growth had been my view on forgiveness. I had always thought that to forgive those that, in my estimation, had hurt me meant to let them off the hook. Now, I understand that it is not about letting them off the hook, but it is about realigning me with the divine. It is about releasing and letting go. Forgiveness is what I do for me and is about no giving my power away to those who have caused me harm. My biggest surprise while walking through this lesson is that I realized that I had been withholding forgiveness because I wanted revenge…I wanted them to feel the pain that I carried. In reality (this is a shocker) the pain that I felt had been because I LET IT IN! I made it my own personal pain. I decided to use the forgiveness letter. Now the forgiveness letter asks that you use compassionate and loving words to the offender. This letter allowed me to first see my offenders as human, and then it showed me the power of compassion. As I have held on to the un-forgiveness I had allowed myself to be cut off from the compassionate side of me. I didn’t mail these letters, but I did burn them and visualized the smoke as carrying my forgiveness to the person. I let go completely of the blame, shame, and need for revenge.

This course has strengthened my meditation and visualization skills. It reminds me of a song sung by a very popular R&B singer R. Kelly. The title is “I believe I can fly” and in the song there are some words that are the foundation of Metaphysics, “….if I can see it….then I can be it…, I believe I can fly.” Metaphysics as detailed in this course works because we use visualization techniques to manifest. What I can visualize in my mind, I can bring into my physical reality. In past I have manifested negative (“if you don’t fill it, someone or something will fill it for you” – discourse four) but using guided meditation to ground I learned to fill myself with positive instead.

There are so many things I learned with this course and It would take me another lifetime to talk about it all, but since I am learning about balancing my time and am practicing staying in the present I will say that this course has taken me though some horrible memories and because of that I have been able to release the negative emotions and learn the lesson. I am now a better minister because I know how important letting go is. I understand how holding on can manifest pain, and negativity into my life. I can now teach others how to manifest a rose to dispel negative energy and bring in the beauty of love. I can teach others how to tap into the divine and experience the type of unconditional love that we all deserve. These lessons have taught me that this world in which I live was created in abundance and like all of nature I have all I need after all,

I AM A Perfect Being, Goddess Loves Me; I was Created in Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection and my Success Is Guaranteed.

Reverend Tammy J. Hamilton


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Spirit Quest Course

Spirit-Quest, the course has been and will continue to be a valuable set of tools. I continue to cherish each one. They have a place in the library at our home. Like any teaching implement, they are referred to time and time again. I want to thank the many that have walked with me through this part of my life’s journey. Thank you Amy, thanks to those who helped put it together, the spirit guides that help me walk through my conscious and unconscious levels of understanding. Thanks to the Elemental Spirits for allowing themselves to be seen and worked with, thanks to the beings who have come to me through these studies and continue to walk with me on my path. Thanks to all.

I have searched to understand myself for as long as I can remember. Through this course, I have been able to identify energies and processes that eluded me.  My relationships with others have changed for the betterment of my self-growth. 

Meditation as I understand it, has evolved so I may use it throughout my day and night. I visualize on a regular basis in most things that pass through my life. The exercises provided in the course have awakened senses or awareness that give strength to my Spiritual self.  My perception of my energies and the energies around me are growing and becoming more vivid. I am learning to distinguish between my personal energy, the earth energies and the “cosmos” energies. My drive to heal the creatures that come to me for rehabilitation continues with my understanding of the “purpose” or “abilities” of each type of energy. Instead of using my personal energy to try and heal one that is injured, I visualize the energies of the Earth and the Universe to work with the creature.

This course introduced me to the concept of the Astral Plane and my own astral body. I am learning to visualize the cleansing of the silver cord and the placing of my golden light within this astral body. The concept is new to me. I am sure over time, this will become second nature and many more opportunities will present themselves that deal with the ‘spiritual” or astral plane and the beings that live there. If I remember correctly, there are eleven levels that were introduced. As with any introduction, it is but a doorway through which I am entering.

I am learning different ways of perceiving the worlds around me, to release my fear of the unknown (which is taught), and to embrace others without judgment.

An added bonus to taking this course is getting to know Amy Long. Through the sharing of her life experiences and approach to subjects, she has given the blessing of herself. With this, I would like to say thanks to all who played a part in my journey through Spirit-Quest.

Rev. Sherri Roberts


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies