Always will I trust and believe the bible is the truth nothing can change that. Knowledge comes from God and he gave us all brains enough to know he is the true and only God and all things are possible for him,{but one that is sin}. Science has a earthly kind of knowledge and not one of the Spirit one that knows God so they can't have the faith or belief that it take's to know that the bible is the truth. What I am saying is that they have to much knowledge in the wrong thing's, and that blind's them to the truth.
2. If God said it that is the truth an all miracles are not in the bible I know for sure because I am one of his miracles. So can do a act that can't be answered by science is that not a miracle?
3. As I said in the words above that God done it and the bible saying he did and yes I believe it to be the truth,and yes I believe that the natural science's can see the truth because their knowledge is not of the world, but from God himself.
4. No I believe that all the miracles in the bible has been explained, and we just have to trust in, and know in our heart that they are true.
5. Yes I do believe that God has, and always had the believe that God is in control of law of nature, and in control of how it goes because it is his to control.
6. No I don't think that any of those miracles were exaggerated for any reason religious or any thing other, but to glorify God and that is my belief,and my answer not anyone's, but mine
7. I think not becausethat would be saying where is my room, and I am not going to hurt me or any body elso. How can I say that I love God, and hurt his Children?
Religious Philosophy in the beginning to me had no business being on or in the same book, but after starting this course well thing's started to look a little different. As I began to read the first lesson it was beginning to make some change's in my thought's. How about in some ways it help me, but some would confuse me to. Like our vehicle for the journey some what had me at a stand still until I stop to think about what it was telling me. Then a light came on and I seen things in a different way even being a relatively new field of study, and it is different from one belief to another I can how see the purpose for both. History tells us that this study started in the 18th century,and the funny thing is that they were not christians and don't want to be. Now I can go on and on about where it began,but to make some kind of comment on some of the other thing's that I have learn I must move on. Religious Ethic's, and Fundamental's, I believe that if we don't have truth, faith and love and a devotion and trust in our religion it is as nothing because it is.
Worship is another way to know if we are right with our Lord. Another way is if he is in me then I should be in him, and if that is true the part about Ethical System would take care of it's self. I have always believe that good Christian people try to bring up their children in the same way that is as a good christian does it always work no not at that time, but later on in their life it take's on it's self.
We may never understand all that God has for us or do we need to know,all the thing he has I don't think so,but that is just me. We should not be to worry about that because we can not change reality all we can do is try to understand as much as possible, and that is all. Organized Religion's and Cult's that was something that I knew nothing about until I started this course I learn that anytime a group of people meet to worship is an organized religion. I believe that from the beginning because it say's so in the bible if I am not wong. Also I learn all kind's of religion's, Hindu's,Muslim's,Buddhist's and Sikh's, so the population of the world two third's of them does not claim to be christian's that mean's 70% are in a Cult. Now for what I have learn in this course I can't write it all down because it would take forever,and it would make a book as I said before so it is best if I tell you I learn a lot of thing's and let that be enough,what I have already should be.
In lesson 4 about the Great Ape's I am not smart enough to talk about them. Paul R. Ehrlich is to smart for me he is a professor, I am not anything, but a confessor of sin, and a bible believing christian, and that is not being smart that is the truth. I know this is not going to sound right, but I have to ask is it not true that a pig is smaart as well? that is something I heard before. Dr James B Harrod has a study on chimp's behavior, and I am not saying he don't know what he is talking about, but I have been to the zoo, and I hope that I am not any kin to the chimp's that I saw in there, but maybe I am and I still hope not.Am I stupid are something because I don't think we are related to no ape of any kind. No or pig nether maybe because I believe in what God has to say, and like I said I am not trying to be funny or anything, but I can't see us as anything, but a man if that makes me stupid I am so just call me stupid. Man as I believe them to be was made by God, and for God to have a Father and son type of relationship with in the beginning, and man mess it up the same way as he always done by being disobedant like Adam and Eve. we are the same as they were.
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